16At what age did you star to wear makeup?
6th grade= nothing
7th grade= eyeliner
8th grade=eyeiner %26amp; mascara
9th grade= concealer, eyeliner, mascara, blush
i haven't really started yet and i am sixteen going on seventeen
i like my natural look
I started to wear ';real'; make up like eyeliner and stuff at 11. I used to wear light stuff like pink and blue, really light though to the point you could barely see it. Now i go for a more darker color like a dark bluish grey color. I wear eyeliner and mascara too. But you may not be able to wear make up cause of your parents. Make sure that you are not alergic to stuff in some makeup.
haven't yet but my friends started using them last year..(11~12)
when i was 12 but i only wear mascara not like eyeliner or naything
around 12. i wore it way to heavily though, so recommend mabye just playing with some eyeshadow, or lash tint, (do not confuse with mascara) and of course lip gloss.
When I went to middle school, so I think about 12.. I wore eye shadow and some mascara.... then at 13 I wore eyeliner... Now that I think about it, eyeliner was a little much to wear at 13.
On special occasions - 15
On a somewhat regular basis - 19
12 or 13. Light colors only.
About 8 or 7.
20 something
I started at 14.
I was experimenting with eyeliner my friend had bought me.
%26amp; Now i wear it most of the time.
Before that, i wouldnt wear any makeup ATALL.
I started at about 12 with light make-up and by the time I was 15 was wearing all makeup. It is up to your parents and the individual when they wear it!
i am muva uv 4, thank God my oldest iz a boy!! ask ur parents, they always know best, even though u may not think they do!! my daughter can wear clear lip gloss and color nail polish now, age 6, little girl stuff... take your time growing up, don't rush into anything, when u r grown u'll wish u had these daze back ;-)
I started wearing make-up at around ten. I would just wear lip gloss and eyeshadow, the kind you find in all those kits for younger kids. I never really wore it regularly. Then at twelve I started to wear it more regularly. I'm not allowed to wear dark make-up right now, but I wear (clear) mascara, eye shadow, lipstick + lip gloss, foundation, and blush. I just can't wear eyeliner or regular mascara. But, I like to combine some of my make-up to make it look better (and sometimes darker). I started wearing make-up a little earlier than 10, but just for special occasions. And it was only a few months before I turned 10. LOL. I think that as long as make-up is controlled, and all that, that it's OK to wear make-up at a young age. But, if you start looking older, and things are happening to you as if you were older, then I think it's time to tone it down. But as long as you make the make-up match your skin, and if you make it subtle and light, it's ok.
12 but only light
About 13, but i started off with light make up, like a small amount of foundation.
Demz =]
I didn't. Don't like having a false face, you know... my twin sister started at about 16, my little sister at about 13-14.
about 12
12 almost 13. i suggest you start at like 14 or 15. because if you wear so much makeup at a young age, you'll start to look weird without it on.
I started wearing mascara at age 11...eyeliner at age 12...but before those ages, I was wearing just chapstick haha. Except for special events, of course.
6th grade
I was about 7or 8 mom thought was cute.
about 12
12 on and off but when I turned about 15 I started all the time!!!
i was around 13 i think and i started to wear it only b/c it made me look awake in the morning when i had to get up and go to school, the eyeliner helped with that. At a younger age only wear it to improve what little flaws you have, use subtle things, they'll make you look beautiful.
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