Saturday, December 5, 2009

Makeup movie stars wear?

i feel like whenever i see a movie star at an awards show their make up looks perfect! can someone tell me what they use....not the brand but if they use foundation or bronzer... stuff like that and what they use on their eyes .... thanks!Makeup movie stars wear?
which movie star? a picture would help.

also..for red carpet events celebs use MUAs so yes their makeup will look perfect. with all that light, the expertise of a MUA and probably unlimited budget.. yeah they're going to look good. celebs are paid to look good, so they have access to alot of things normal people can't afford (i.e. a facial every week, treatments etc).Makeup movie stars wear?
well it's hard to answer if there's no specific person that you are talking about. but movie stars have makeup artists to do their makeup for them..they use special HD (high definition) makeup for foundation that is MADE to only be used on screen and special appearances. the makeup they use depends on their personal preference and what look they're trying to establish (natural, glamour, etc). They use foundation, base, concealer, primer, eye shadow, eye liner, lipstick/gloss, bronzer, blush and even fill in their eyebrows.

the main trick really is how you apply the makeup, which the makeup artist obviously knows how to do.
professional makeup artists that are paid THOUSANDs do their makeup. Usually its airbrushed.
usually mac and stila tarte bobbi brown nars

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